miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

I chose to talk about this topic because I love reading. Federico Moccia is one of my favorite authors. The way he writes, his books are very descriptive and carries me to the place in history that is usually in Rome. Rome beloved land. Rome is one of my favorite cities, every street has a story to tell or a hidden secret.
During my research I realized that the internet has little information about these author, I feel that all pages have almost the same information. But I was very satisfied with his official website. Is full of information that can be very useful when wanting to know about his life. One story of Frederico has a connection with a bridge named "Porto Milvio" and from these bridge I had started to search on the libraries research page EBSCO. ENSCO was usedful on searching information about the bridge and Rome itself. I hope that with my essay you get to enjoy this author has I do.

lunes, 21 de enero de 2013


  • http://www.federicomoccia.es/bibliografia-moccia.php
  • http://www.juvenilromantica.es/2009/03/federico-moccia-biografia.html
  • http://www.lecturalia.com/autor/2267/federico-moccia
  • http://www.poemas-del-alma.com/blog/biografias/biografia-de-federico-moccia
  • http://mundomoccia.bligoo.com/content/view/551662/Biografia-de-Federico-Moccia.html

Federico Moccia is an Italian author and his novels had not been translated to english. So most of the references are on spanish or italian. Also for these reason EBSCO has not a research about these author.
Hope you enjoy it.

To discover a writter...

 Federico Moccia was born in Italy, Rome a November 11, 1963. Today is known for his first novel reached theaters in Spain and almost everyone. He was a writer of television programs. When finished writing his first novel, wants to publish any editorials. Ignoring that Frederico would become one of the best romantic authors throughout Rome. Realising up almost Federico receives the proposed Metro Publisher to publish his first novel. Tre metri sopra il cielo, 1992 (Three meters above the sky). Impressed by the welcome given to youth culture Federico novel continuous writing the second part of this. Ho voglia di te, 2006 (I have wanted to you). The first novel comes to the screen by an Italian production. Then a Spanish company reaches Federicco afford you a movie that can be transmitted worldwide.I chose this author to talk because I have loved this author since he published his first novel. I met him before his novels arrive in Mexico by an aunt who traveled to Italy this novel is full of popular and knowing that I loved reading brought me as a gift. Since then I have continued to Frederico as one of my favorite authors.